Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Recently as the New Year approaches, of course resolutions have popped in my head. Usually I resolve to lose weight, workout more, eat healthier, etc. This year, I decided that I just want my entire life to be healthier. From how we eat, to how we live, to all we do. So many times I find myself thinking about my day and how I could have done something different that would have made my life a lot easier. I tend to forget these things later when I could use them again though haha.

I actually made a resolution to write here at least 3 times a week. I really want to keep family updated more on what is going on with us and now that we have two girls I feel like there is so much more to tell family. Time is flying by so fast with them and I cannot believe it. Carys is already trying to sit up on her own and is just about sleeping 12 hours at a stretch at night. We have one happy momma here! Maylene still adores her and when Carys sees her big sister she has nothing but smiles for her- I wonder how long that will last :)

Carys had her 2 month appt on Dec 15 and she weighed 12 lb 13 oz! She's in the 90th percentile in her weight and 50th for her length, 75th for her head. Maylene loves to hold her and I swear Carys is more than half Maylene's size!! Maylene has her 3 year visit on Jan 25 and I'm anxious to see where she is.

Getting hot chocolate before Christmas- a little mommy and may time <3

Maylene showing Carys her book. THEY ARE SO CUTE!

I titled this Resolutions as my hope is that the more public my resolutions are, the more likely I will stick with them!

1. Get our life and home organized! I have found so many great ideas on pinterest and ikea and I cannot wait to simplify our life. I found this great site with amazing tips for organizaition: orgjunkie. There is even a yearly calendar with easy organization tasks every day. She even breaks down the 52 weeks into specific weekly tasks as well. AWESOME!

2. Journal/blog daily. I have a TERRIBLE memory! I hate when I have forgotten some of the most precious moments with Maylene and I'm sure I've already forgotten some things with Carys- and she is only 10 weeks old. If it wasn't for the pictures and videos we have, I would have forgotten so much more I know. This way, I can at least look back sometime and laugh about the things I found memorable at the time (and see how many I even remember!)

3. Learn to sew. I have been LOVING all the crocheting I have been doing. There is something incredibly satisfying about creating something, being productive and seeing the results. Most of the things I do are undone quickly, i.e. dishes, laundry, etc. While I'm getting something done, the end results very rarely stays that way for long. I have wanted to sew for a while, but never had a sewing machine. My dad bought me an amazing one for my birthday :) I'm super excited to get cracking on that. I found what I feel will be my first attempts at sewing clothes here: MADE. She doesn't use patterns, but uses other clothing to create her own patterns. This is so me. I'm too detail oriented to rely on patterns (from what I have found) because I will get stuck on something so small and relatively insignificant I'll just give up. This way, if I make a mistake it's not like I have a pattern looking me in the eye laughing at me. I have a separate blog dedicated to my new found craftiness Crafting FTW!

4. Switch us to a more plant-based diet. This is something I NEED to do for myself, but it will only help the whole family if we all switch. The cancer I had as a teen was directly related to animal meats (mainly red meat) and as a result I was on the Hallelujah Diet and then a vegan for a time.(My parents can both attest to the Hallelujah diet and all that carrot juice....blech!) I have never felt better in my life than when my diet had no animal products in it. For my own health and to be the best I can be for my family, I need to stick to this lifestyle. It was really difficult after Colin and I were married to stick to it because really we had to grocery shop for two different lifestyles and that was expensive. After watching the documentary Forks Over Knives I think Colin saw some of where I was coming from. I'm not trying to join into some other food culture, promote PETA, advocate for animal cruelty or join a fad. My reasons are purely that I firmly believe this is the healthiest lifestyle out there and I am determined to get back on it and stay on it. There has been proven evidence in an increase in cancer and cancerous growth with casein- animal protein. The documentary is available on instaque with Netflix and is about an hour and a half long. Just watch it and I would love to hear your thoughts. I doubt we'll ever be completely without animal products, but my hope is that we are 90% without on a regular basis. It's really not as hard as it sounds. As long as it tastes good and is satisfying, my family will be content. (Also along with this, I intend to make all my own baby food when Carys is older. I never even know about doing this until Maylene was right at table foods so I did that for a short while with her before she was over the baby food in general). I'll post a lot of recipes for both the baby food and the plant-based diet as well.

Here's to the New Year!!