Friday, April 20, 2012

Big girls!

Miss Carys had her 6 month appt on Monday. She's 19.4# (95th %) and 26" long(50th %). She's a chunk!!! She keeps moving from a sitting position to all fours and then plops on her belly. She's far more interested in crawling than Maylene ever showed- probably because she wants to keep up with big sister so much!

Maylene has been working in a pre-school book where she's practicing writing letters and shapes and following directions. She's doing a great job with it so far! We're looking into her going to pre school once or twice a week because she loves doing her "homework" and wants to go to school so bad. I hope this attitude sticks around!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Maylene is three!

I cannot believe my baby girl is three years old. Time has gone by so fast. I was looking through all my old pictures of her and I just couldn't believe how much he has changed. Her and I watched old videos of her when she was little(er) and she was cracking up. There was one video in particular of her going nuts playing with Colin. She was doing this weird scream and 3 year old Maylene just thought 1 year old Maylene was hilarious.

We went to Red Robin for her birthday dinner the night before her birthday. Colin's mom made us homemade Mac and cheese (Maylene's favorite) for her dinner on her birthday. She had her eat ever restaurant birthday song and sundae and I'm pretty sure she lived it.

She also requested a pink cake with pink frosting so I made her a homemade strawberry cake that was adapted from a hot pink raspberry cake I mentioned earlier. It was pretty good if I say so myself.

Gosh, she is just too big now. She's acting so much older too and im torn with wanting her to stay little but then also I love watching her grow. I'm learning just how important it is to cherish everything, even the bad days and rough nights. One day, she'll be off to college and not wanting to talk to us, or we'll be those embarrassing parents to her we swore we would never be. Even now I get the "Mom..." line from her showing her future teenage self. I'll take what I can get though :)

I love you Maylene Elise and I hope you loved your special day <3

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Time Flies

School has once again started for me! I took off from the day before I had Carys until 1/16 and I am feeling slightly overwhelmed already. One course is on psychological testing and assessment and the other is on career development counseling. Neither are particularly nail biting, but they play a role in my future career. Sometimes I feel that the courses I took in undergrad were sufficient enough because when compared to their grad level equals, there isn't much difference. Maybe more papers to write, but doubtful. I took a Testing and Measurements course as an independent study over a summer at Cedarville and I wrote at least five papers, and most of my grad level courses require about the same amount. I guess that just goes to show you how great Cedarville University is! I'm thankful that they required so much of me because it really has helped tremendously in these upper level courses.

The girls are growing up too fast!! Maylene will be THREE on Sunday and Carys just turned 3 months old this past Sunday. I just can't believe it! Maylene has been struggling a bit with her need for attention and occasionally with jealousy . Thankfully, she doesn't take it out on her sister at all. Every day she tells me she loves Carys and she is always asking to hold her. I'm amazed at how much love they have for each other. Carys smiles so big when she sees or even hears Maylene- she smiles a lot :) Carys is super attached to her Scentsy buddy lamb. If I ever struggle to get her to take a nap, all I need is her lamb and she's out like a light. She's a champion sleeper though- 12 hours a night now!! She rarely wakes up in the night now and when she does, it's because of a growth spurt so I'm usually expecting it. I'm so lucky, I know. I can thank the book "12 Hours' Sleep by 12 Weeks" (buy it here, NOW) for helping me get these girls on an amazing routine and sleep schedule. It does wonders for them both to have a routine, and it helps me out as I "know" what to expect every day and have a somewhat reliable idea of when I can get my schoolwork done, etc. There are always variances- particularly when Maylene refuses a nap- but for the most part, my days are pretty routine and that keeps me calm, happy and relaxed. The unexpected is not something I appreciate too often unfortunately.

This Saturday we're taking Maylene to the The Boonshoft Museum and I am so excited! One of CU's organizations is putting on a special family event and we just couldn't pass up the deal. That's part of her birthday as we're not doing anything big this year for a party. The next big party will probably be at age 5, but we'll always try to have a small get together every year with family. It's just so hard to invite a few people because we're fortunate enough to have so many great friends, with and without kids. I'm hoping that next year I can finagle something with more friends to come to without making it too big. I mean, I can't give her these huge expectations now because I'm just setting myself up for major party problems when the sweet 16 comes along. As much as I love my MTV reality shows, I do not want my kids acting in any way that would warrant their own show! Parties only get bigger and bigger and she had an entire gym at her disposal at age 2! It's just so fun though :)

She wants a strawberry cake with pink frosting so I'll be attempting this little sweetness using strawberries rather than raspberries: Hot Pink Cake (if it turns out well, it will be at future birthday parties so you may get your slice yet!) I'll post how it goes :)