Saturday, May 7, 2011

Easter 2011

For Easter we were able to visit family and it was so nice to see everyone. We stayed with Aunt Mindy and Uncle Don Thursday night and most of the day Friday. Maylene had a wonderful time playing with Bryn and Riley. We also found out that Mindy is also due on October 22nd as well and it just blew my mind! Not only were we both due in October, but now the same day! It's so exciting and I feel so blessed to have so many people I love around me who are sharing this experience with me. There are two other friends who are also pregnant and both are due in December, but until there's a clear announcement you'll just have to wonder who they are :)

We got to Grandma and Grandpa's Friday night and we had an awesome time. Maylene doesn't typicall warm up to people right away, so I was so thankful that she bonded with Grandma and stuck to her like glue. She kept running around looking for her anytime she was out of sight. We did a lot of cooking and baking as usual and made a cute Easter cake. It was coconut and Grandma made a little "green nest" to put on top with a peep in it- we had no jellybeans! We had some issues with the frosting, but it tasted DELICIOUS. Just like marshmallow and I think I might need to make some myself here soon...Maylene went crazy wanting to eat that cake.

We went to Uncle Joel's new house and I am so happy for them! It is a really nice house, and I know they are so thankful for all the room. Gabe and Xander were riding their bikes up and down the sidewalk and Maylene   wanted to join in. Tavia went after Maylene at one point and we could not figure out what was going on! She just kept grabbing and pinching May and May was crying and hiding behind me. LOL! Poor thing, she knew Tavia was little so she had no idea how to react! It was really funny.

We dyed Easter eggs and hunted some after church on Sunday! Here's some pictures of the day:

She was not very happy during my picture taking! Needless to say, these were the best I got. I hate pantyhose, so I always put cute leggings on under her dresses :) 


Dying eggs with Grandma, Gabe (and Xander is around there somewhere lol) she LOVED the colors!

Theres Xander :)

Grandma got this cute kit that even let you sponge paint on the eggs! They were so pretty!

Grandma getting her "tattoo"- Gabe was handing those out left and right

My Grandpa :)

Maylene's tattoos. We actually had a HORRID time with them. This kind had glitter in them and stuck to her so bad. She woke up from a nap with her sleeve's stuck to her arms! We eventually got them off and the next day, her eczema broke out right where the tattoos were. She kept saying, "No like tattoos Mommy, just stickers." Let's hope she sticks with that!

Eating and sort of snuggling? her chocolate bunny lol. She LOVED that thing

After all the rain we've had since being home, we finally got outside Thursday. She had a blast and ran everywhere. She kept picking flowers for me too. She's so sweet :)

Well, that was a few weeks ago, and since then we've sold our living room furniture and used that money to buy a new couch and recliner. It was just time for new furniture and a change of decor for us. Our living room was far too small for all that furniture too, so now we have a better set up. I'll post some pictures later this week when it's finally set up with other matching decor. 

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